Sunday, August 10, 2008

Goodbye Qinhuangdao...

To say that U.S. players have posed for a few pictures on this trip to China would be a huge understatement. It seems every hotel employee, volunteer and average citizen wants a picture. The U.S. team has posed for more than a few team shots and as they left their hotel in Qinhuangdao this morning -- their home for two weeks -- the players took a picture with the hotel staff...and the security...and the volunteers...and finally got on the bus. We must say the transportation has been extremely well run during the Olympics. The players were driven straight onto the waiting area next to the train track, waited a few minutes as another train left (loaded with the team's friends and family by the way) and then boarded the bullet train (along with the New Zealand National Team) for a super smooth two hour ride to Shenyang.

Just waitin' for the train.

1 comment:

MARDELLE said...


Just don't wait to long it goes by in a FLASH..!! Turn around, turn around here it comes. :(