Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Hard Rain’s Gonna Fall

It’s raining, hard. Not a great way to start the first full day in China, but the rain has certainly lowered the temperature, which was steaming hot when the USA got off the plane last night, so that’s a good thing. The thunder and lightning? Not so much. But is a little precipitation going to stop the USA from holding its first training? We think not. Shanghai could get as much as six inches of rain in September, so the USA will probably see some more of the wet stuff before this World Cup is over. Luckily, the U.S. team has players who are good “mudders” as they may have to not only battle the heat (it’s going to average in the low 80s during the WWC), but the rain as well.

U.S. team leaves for training on a rainy morning in Shanghai.

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