Monday, September 3, 2007


First there was a field full of frogs, then air filled with dragon flies, and now it seems that a new plague has fallen upon the USA’s training facility in Shanghai. Well, Cat Whitehill saw one praying mantis. Okay, so it’s not on the same level as the other creatures that invaded and inundated the USA’s practices, but it is a pretty cool bug to look at. Whitehill made sure not to harm it (Said Cat: “First I thought it was just an extra-large grasshopper.”) and apparently it hopped on its way out of danger of stomping cleats and flying soccer balls. Speaking of training today, it was one of the coolest days (temperature-cool, not Fonzie-cool) since the USA arrived, perhaps the reason that nary a frog or fly was to be seen. Well, the goalkeepers did spot one very sorry looking frog, but they could not determine if it was dead or alive. The team scrimmaged again today and it was pretty intense. No doubt the players are hankering to kick someone else besides each other. Once again, Heather O’Reilly scored the lone goal in the 20-plus minute game. That kid is just plain fast.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

i hope she keeps this scoring up in the games! i love watching her play - she's simply amazing!!